I'm very happy because second time we get a photographer our event, Zoli who was active as a photographer as well. He like to try it yourself and his camera for agility and other dog's sports, so like to shoot some photos about the animals (dogs) and owners. Now you could see some of them :)
2013. június 27., csütörtök
Fényképeszkedés - Photo shooting
Immár második alkalommal erősítette a csapatunkat kedves ismerősünk, Zoli, aki fotósként is tevékenykedik. Mivel kutyás fotózásba is bele szeretne kóstolni mondtuk neki, hogy szeretettel várjuk a csapatunknál, hogy lekapjon momentumot az edzéseken, bemutatókon. Kiszemeztem néhány számomra kedves képet.
I'm very happy because second time we get a photographer our event, Zoli who was active as a photographer as well. He like to try it yourself and his camera for agility and other dog's sports, so like to shoot some photos about the animals (dogs) and owners. Now you could see some of them :)
I'm very happy because second time we get a photographer our event, Zoli who was active as a photographer as well. He like to try it yourself and his camera for agility and other dog's sports, so like to shoot some photos about the animals (dogs) and owners. Now you could see some of them :)
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